




I've been tasked with a simple request at work:

I want to give our new developers a SMART goal to follow a blog for the duration of this review period. Give me three good ones to let them choose from.

Three Good Ones?!

I follow a ton it seems and whittling my list down to a top three is proving tough. I'm having a hard time picking ones that would be good specifically for a new developer rather than just the ones I enjoy the most.

So, I thought I'd defer to the community to help me out:

Which three blogs would you suggest for new .Net developers?

+1  A: 

Somewhere in that list has to be




Scott's broad & diverse range of interests and great style really make his site and podcast compelling.

They're not all blogs, and there are not three of them.
Thanks for that helpful constructive comment.
+22  A: 

I'd say the following blogs:

  1. Scott Guthrie's
  2. Scott Hanselman's
  3. Jeff Atwood's
how does atwood's blog do anything useful for programmers?
Imho Atwood's blogg is a showcase of pragmatism and hence very good
codinghorror not really CODING related, but talk about things related to programmers
Omar Abid
+1  A: 

It's not a blog, but www.asp.net is essential for new .Net developers. It contains blogs, forums, and free video tutorials, among other things.

Other than that, see Microserf's response.

John Dunagan
Wow, no to www.asp.net? Sorry.
John Dunagan
+3  A: 

That's hard, but maybe:

But there are tons of great blogs out there. Like Carl Senguin, Rob Conery, Chad Myers, Bart De Smet .. etc etc etc.. that list goes on and on

http://googletesting.blogspot.com/ is .Net???
No, but who said that writing good software has something to do with what platform you use? Most principles of good design apply to .NET too.
I second Tigraine, I work only in .NET and have learned heaps from the Google Testing blog.
Rob Cooper
Ayende is so one-sided.
  1. 4 Guys from Rolla (link)
  2. Steve Yegge (link)
  3. Google (link)
+1  A: 

Phil Haack is always a good read, followed by ScottGu and Hanselman

Phil Jenkins
+3  A: 

I personally like Steve Yegge's blog myself.

I thoroughly enjoy his writing.

I enjoy his blog, too, but probably doesn't classify as a blog for .NET developers, specifically. Still, +1 since he at least has a lot of common sense stuff that folks can benefit from regardless of language.
Kevin Fairchild
Thats no blog, its a self grandstanding novel.
No, I think this blog is best served with a pinch of salt. I do love it myself but it's not for newbs. If a newbie reads it they'll get v.strong (and in some cases misguided) advice and without your own dev experience as a balance I think you'll end up with some odd opinions.
Steve Yegge is so obscenely overrated. His writing is perversely overrated. He occasionally has a nice turn of phrase. He is tediously long-winded.
@Bobby: Yes he is, but I still can't stop myself from reading.

What's your definition of "good" and what is the focus of their development work? Those answers will determine which blogs are relevant.

There are lot of options to choose from (adding to the list of Phil, ScottGu, ScottHa, and Jeff):

Scott Dorman
+6  A: 

most already mentioned, to add something to the list (while not always pure .net)

Less than dot: http://blogs.lessthandot.com/

+19  A: 

I'm going to be a little different, and not recommended the Evangelist blogs (Haack, Hanselman, Gu)...While they are good, their information is primarily promotion.

Instead, I'm going to recommend a few blogs from Microsoft insiders who aren't afraid to call a spade a spade:

I subscribe to Raymond and Eric as well. Excellent blogs. I'll check out Dara for sure.
Robert S.
Raymond Chen's blog isn't aimed at .NET... it even used to be subtitled "Not a .NET blog"
R. Bemrose
Eric Lippert has to be #1 on any list of good .NET blogs.


+5  A: 

It really depends on what type of .NET development you're doing so I'm going to break these into categories.

Web development

Desktop Development

Of course you limited me to 3 so I just listed the 3 I would recommend through there are many more. I would also recommend checking out the links below as they are a syndication of both MSFT and Community bloggers.

Chad Moran
+5  A: 

All the other blogs suggested here are excellent. I'll add a few more that I read.

Robert S.
+3  A: 

For web dev, these three are crucial:

  1. ScottGu - http://weblogs.asp.net/Scottgu/
  2. DaveWard - http://encosia.com/
  3. ScottMitchell - http://scottonwriting.net/sowBlog/
+5  A: 

ALL of these blogs are great for .NET focused Object-Oriented Development and Architecture advice and techniques from basic to intermediate, including, but not limited to TDD, BDD, DDD, SOLID:

Jeremy Miller

Jimmy Bogard

Chad Myer

Troy DeMonbreun

for blogs to follow (vs just use for research) I would pick ones that are updated often with useful developer content. As much as Coding Horror is a great blog, lately it has been lacking developer content. Is Scott Hanselmans' really good for NEW developers.

honorable mention - John Resig - javascript/CSS

It's not all pure .net stuff, but who works solely within .net anyway?


Sara Ford - http://blogs.msdn.com/saraford/

You should start learning the tips and tricks of VS immidiately. A good developer should know the in's and out's of their IDE.

.NET Developers Blog - http://www.enderminh.com/netdev/rss.aspx

It's a non-specific (other than .NET) feed from a lot of different .NET developers (some non-english). You find details from WPF to ASP.NET. There can be a lot of junk, but there is also a lot of quality. It's where I found most of the devs I follow.

MSDN Blogs - http://blogs.msdn.com/MainFeed.aspx?Type=AllBlogs

Like the .NET Developers Blog but supersized. You'll also find a hell of a lot of stuff that doesn't interest you but you'll also find a lot of stuff that does. A lot of blogs come in from there so maybe go to http://blogs.msdn.com and tweak the filter (I have over 400 unread in there and that's down from 700 this morning!)


The Region - surprised it hasn't been mentioned. A combined 'Regional Directors' blog. Sometimes not .NET programming, but often it is, and a great way to get some diverse opions.

The VB Team - obviously best for those VB Developers, of which I am one.

ADO.NET Team Blog - infrequent posts, but great content. Recent posts from Tim (Program Manager, LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework), and David Sceppa (ADO.NET Program Manager)

Just three was tough - I love Google Reader for allowing me to keep up with so much amazing content! Hope you like my picks - I have added three or four that others suggested - thanks!

+1  A: 


Good luck.
