I'm nearly ready to upload my first package to Hackage!
I have this in my hstest.cabal
Executable hstest
Main-Is: hstest.hs
Build-Depends: base, mtl, directory, ghc, ghc-paths, random, QuickCheck
I understand that it's bad form to simply list which packages my package depends upon; instead I should state which versions of these packages are needed.
The versions I have installed are
- base =
- mtl =
- directory =
- ghc = 6.10.3
- ghc-paths =
- random =
- QuickCheck =
Is there an easy way of finding out what the earliest acceptable versions of each of these packages my package actually needs? (i.e. without installing lots of obsolete versions and testing them one by one?)
Which future versions of these packages can I assume my package can depend on?