This question pertains to the use of the cookie-capable WebClient derived class presented in the How can I get the WebClient to use Cookies? question.
I'd like to use a ListBox to...
1) display each cookie individually as "key=value" (the For Each loop displays all of them as one string), and
2) be able to display all cookies, regardless of the domain from which they came ("www.google.com", here):
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim webClient As New CookieAwareWebClient
Const URL = "http://www.google.com"
Dim response As String
response = webClient.DownloadString(URL)
RichTextBox1.Text = response
'How to display cookies as key/value in ListBox?
For Each mycc In webClient.cc.GetCookies(New Uri(URL))
End Sub
End Class
Public Class CookieAwareWebClient
Inherits WebClient
Public cc As New CookieContainer()
Private lastPage As String
Protected Overrides Function GetWebRequest(ByVal address As System.Uri) As System.Net.WebRequest
Dim R = MyBase.GetWebRequest(address)
If TypeOf R Is HttpWebRequest Then
With DirectCast(R, HttpWebRequest)
.CookieContainer = cc
If Not lastPage Is Nothing Then
.Referer = lastPage
End If
End With
End If
lastPage = address.ToString()
Return R
End Function
End Class
Thank you.
Edit: With the code below, I still get a single-line key=value instead of the individual key=value pairs I need to display:
'How to display cookies as key=value in ListBox?
'still displayed as key=PREF value=ID=c1c024db87787437:TM=1274083167:LM=1274083167:S=ZsG7BXqbCe7yVgJY
Dim mycookiecollection As CookieCollection
mycookiecollection = webClient.cc.GetCookies(New Uri(URL))
Dim mycookie As Cookie
For Each mycookie In mycookiecollection
ListBox1.Items.Add(mycookie.Name & vbTab & mycookie.Value)
'MessageBox.Show(mycookie.Name & vbTab & mycookie.Value)
Edit: Turns out Google returned a single cookie with key=PREF, and value=a concatenation of multiple key=value items.
For those interested, here's some code to parse through the value part:
For Each ck As Cookie In cookies
Dim ht As New Web.HttpCookie(ck.Name, ck.Value.Replace(":", "&"))
If ht.HasKeys Then
For Each key In ht.Values.AllKeys
Debug.WriteLine(vbTab & key & vbTab & ht.Values(key))
Debug.WriteLine(ht.Name & vbTab & ht.Value)
End If