



I would like my images that I open in colorbox to be displayed fullsize with no resizing applied to them and then apply scrollbars to allow for viewing the larger images. Some of my images are quite tall and things get pixelated when resized down.

Currently colorbox just resizes my images down to the size of the available height/width. Is there a way to make all images display fullsize with overflow scrollable in colorbox?

I am linking directly to an image:

<a href="/myimage.png" title="My Image" class="colorbox imagefield imagefield-imagelink imagefield-field_portfolio_screenshot initColorbox-processed cboxElement" rel="gallery-12">
  <img src="/thumb/myimage.png" alt="image" title="My Image" class="imagecache imagecache-portfolio_screenshot_thumb" height="50" width="50">

You can do so by opening the image in frame using colorbox

but how would one go about putting it into the frame if it is a direct link to an image. Is there some sort of jquery to alter the linked image to open in such manner?
just put an image in separate file and open this file with colorbox frame.