For any looking, here is the complete code I worked up on it, the code is kinda chicken scratch, but it does the job..
Do notice I put the FillText loader inside the main function, you should move this outside (so it doesn't get repeatedly called), if you use this code
public void DisplayPopup (string Title, string Text, string AssetPicturePath, SpriteBatch batch)
FillText = new Texture2D(game.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1);
FillText.SetData(new Color[] { Color.White });
//Draw rectangle, center screen,
Rectangle MainBox;
MainBox.Width = 700;
MainBox.Height = 400;
MainBox.X = game.Window.ClientBounds.Width / 2 - MainBox.Width / 2;
MainBox.Y = game.Window.ClientBounds.Height / 2 - MainBox.Height / 2;
//Draw Title
Rectangle TitleBox;
TitleBox.Width = 650;
TitleBox.Height = (int)ArialFont.MeasureString(Title).Y;
Padding = MainBox.Width / 2 - TitleBox.Width / 2;
TitleBox.X = (int)Padding + MainBox.X;
TitleBox.Y = (int)Padding + MainBox.Y;
//Draw Line Between Title and TextBox
Rectangle TextSeperator;
TextSeperator.Width = MainBox.Width - (int)Padding * 2;
TextSeperator.Height = 1;
TextSeperator.X = MainBox.X + (int)Padding;
TextSeperator.Y = TitleBox.Y + (int)(Padding * 1.2);
//Draw PictureBox
Rectangle PictureBox;
if (AssetPicturePath != string.Empty)
PictureBox.Width = 200;
PictureBox.Width = 0;
PictureBox.Height = 250;
PictureBox.X = MainBox.X + (int)Padding;
PictureBox.Y = MainBox.Y + TitleBox.Height + (int)Padding * 2;
MainBox.Height = PictureBox.Y - MainBox.Y + PictureBox.Height + (int)Padding;
//Draw TextBody
Rectangle TextBody;
if (AssetPicturePath == string.Empty)
TextBody.Width = MainBox.Width - ((int)Padding * 2);
TextBody.Width = MainBox.Width - ((int)Padding * 3) - PictureBox.Width;
TextBody.Height = MainBox.Height - ((int)Padding * 3) - TitleBox.Height;
if (AssetPicturePath == string.Empty)
TextBody.X = PictureBox.X;
TextBody.X = PictureBox.X + PictureBox.Width + (int)Padding;
TextBody.Y = TitleBox.Y + TitleBox.Height + (int)Padding;
//Draw MainBox
batch.Draw(FillText, MainBox, Color.Wheat);
//Draw PictureBox
//batch.Draw(FillText, PictureBox, Color.Green);
if (AssetPicturePath != string.Empty)
batch.Draw(game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(AssetPath + AssetPicturePath.TrimStart(new char[] { '/' })), PictureBox, Color.White);
//Draw TitleBox
//batch.Draw(FillText, TitleBox, Color.BlueViolet);
batch.DrawString(ArialFont, Title, new Vector2(TitleBox.X, TitleBox.Y),Color.Blue);
//Draw Line Between Title And TextBody
batch.Draw(FillText, TextSeperator, Color.Gray);
//Draw TextBody
//batch.Draw(FillText, TextBody, Color.Indigo);
int LineNumber = 0;
foreach (string Line in WrapText(Text, TextBody.Width))
batch.DrawString(ArialFont, Line, new Vector2(TextBody.X, TextBody.Y + (LineNumber * ArialFont.MeasureString(Line).Y)), Color.Black);
private object[] WrapText(string text, float Length)
string[] words = text.Split(' ');
ArrayList Lines = new ArrayList();
float linewidth = 0f;
float spaceWidth = ArialFont.MeasureString(" ").X;
int CurLine = 0;
foreach (string word in words)
Vector2 size = ArialFont.MeasureString(word);
if (linewidth + size.X < Length)
Lines[CurLine] += word + " ";
linewidth += size.X + spaceWidth;
Lines.Add(word + " ");
linewidth = size.X + spaceWidth;
return Lines.ToArray();