



I am working on putting the Facebook "Like" iframe on a site, and I am trying to follow the example found at

I am putting in code similar to this:

<meta property="og:image" content=""/&gt;

But when I "Like" a page, it doesn't do anything with the image that I am aware of. Does anyone know what that data is supposed to do?


I'm working on the same. I've added the two xmlns to the html tag and I've also tried implementing via the xfbml version of the plugin and I still cannot get the meta data to appear in the Facebook feed. My only thought is that based on FB's description on this page in the "Administering your page" section, that this meta data won't show up in the "Graph" data until 10 people "like" an article, then maybe it comes into play. Otherwise, it seems I'm just missing something.


type the url of a page that has the og:image property into your share box and it will auto retrieve the og data to post the link in your feed. this includes the image, description etc. It is also used when you pull the related data using the open-graph api.

Yes, but what does that have to do with the "Like" button?
Charles Boyung

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