Hi Guys,
I have a label inside an update panel which I wouldl ike to use as a status bar.
Basically the user clicks a button which executes a main fucntion that performs a series of tasks. I'd like to inform the user as to the state of the function as it progresses e.g.:
Stage 1: Retrieving data...
Stage 2: Calculating values...
Stage 3: Printing values...
Stage 4: Done!
I've tried updating the updatepanel directly from the function but it only updates the panel at the end of function (stage 4) and shows "Done!" (which I understand is how it should work).
I've been looking into timers and threads to try and update the panel seperate to the main function but I thought I'd post here incase anyone has any better ideas?
Thanks for any help in advance!
John bourkeyo is offline Reply With Quote