




Hello all, I'm just a beginner and I have a need to parse a NTFS partition for the purpose of extracting Security Descriptors. (I been trying to use the native functions of the Windows API, but my conclusion is that something is seriously wrong with the functions' behavior, or their documentation.)

I was wondering if anybody here experienced with such requirement, and could give me few hints, references, guidance... where to begin?

(I've found www.ntfs.com, seems to have NTFS structure information, but I'm afraid I'll need something more to get started...)

My intention is to use it under Windows XP. Thanks in advanced, Doori Bar


Otherway to start with linux based open source NTFS projects like linux-ntfs or captive or NTFS-3G . That will give you some idea about NTFS read/write operations

@UK: Thanks for your references. If anybody have further resources for a beginner to get a clearer picture of things... I will appreciate them.

Here's some pretty low-level documentation: http://sourceforge.net/projects/linux-ntfs/files/NTFS%20Documentation/

Also, have you looked at Microsoft's technical reference for NTFS?: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc758691(WS.10).aspx

James Snyder
Thanks for your suggestions, apparently I'm far away from accomplishing it, and I got to the conclusion that the native API behavior simply can't accomplish my requirement with said conditions.I suppose I'll have to re-think it.