



Hey, Is there a way in which I can export table's entries, remove a colum from the table and import the data back to the new table?

The opposite case works fine - adding a column is not problematic at all (if the colum is nullable).



Sorry, here are some clues: I'm using Oracle 11g. I have an automated tool that makes sort of ORM from my Java code to tables, and I really want it to stay generic and automated. I don't care about keys - in cases of key column change, I can afford to drop the entire table with the data.

I know for example about 'IGNORE' to ignore table creation errors. Is there a way to ignore column set errors?

It's going to be difficult to be RDBMS independent, especially when you dump data; data types is one concern - they are RDBMS specific in most cases; dropping a column will probably require specific DDL statements for each type of DB.Can I ask why do you need this?