I have written this innocent javascript code, which lets the user create two markers and plot the route between them. It doesnt work, instead, it gives a weird error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'ya' of undefined
Can someone suggest me whats wrong here:
// called upon a click
GEvent.addListener(map, "click", function(overlay,point) {
if (isCreateHeadPoint) {
// add the head marker
headMarker = new GMarker(point,{icon:redIcon,title:'Head'});
isCreateHeadPoint = false;
} else {
// add the tail marker
tailMarker = new GMarker(point,{icon:greenIcon,title:'Tail'});
isCreateHeadPoint = true;
// create a path from head to tail
direction.load("from:" + headMarker.getPoint().lat()+ ", " + headMarker.getPoint().lng()+ " to:" + tailMarker.getPoint().lat() + "," + tailMarker.getPoint().lng(), { getPolyline: true, getSteps: true });
// display the path