I want to start using dependency injection in my WPF application, largely for better unit testability. My app is mostly constructed along the M-V-VM pattern. I'm looking at autofac for my IoC container, but I don't think that matters too much for this disucssion.
Injecting a service into the start window seems straightforward, as I can create the container and resolve from it in App.xaml.cs.
What I'm struglling with is how I can DI ViewModels and Services into User Controls? The user controls are instantiaed via XAML markup, so there's no oportunity to Resolve()
The best I can think of is to place the container in a Singlton, and have the user controls resolve their ViewModels from the global container. This feels like a half-way solution, at best, as it still required my components to have a dependency on a ServiceLocator.
Is full IoC possible with WPF?
[edit] - Prism has been suggested, but even evaluating Prism seems like a big investment, I'm hoping for something smaller
[edit] here's a code fragement where I'm stopped
//setup IoC container (in app.xaml.cs)
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = builder.Build();
// in user control ctor -
// this doesn't work, where do I get the container from
VM = container.Resolve<AViewModel>();
// in app.xaml.cs
// this compiles, but I can't use this uc,
//as the one I want in created via xaml in the primary window
SomeUserControl uc = new SomeUserControl();
uc.VM = container.Resolve<AViewModel>();