



I want to write a small program that should print something like

testing CPU... done
testing RAM... done

and so on.

I wrote the following program in C:

printf( "testing RAM...\t\t" );
sleep( sleep_time );
printf( "done\n\n" );

printf( "testing HDD...\t\t" );
sleep( sleep_time );
printf( "done\n\n" );

where sleep_time is 2.

However, instead of printing "testing CPU..." first, then waiting, then printing "done", it first waits, then prints the whole line, which is not exactly what I had in mind.

I suppose this has something to do with automatic optimization by the compiler.
Anyway, what can I do to get the desired output?

I am using XCode 3.1 on OSX 10.5.6

Thank you,

+21  A: 

The issue is that your printings are buffered. immediately before sleeping, call fflush(stdout); to flush the buffer

Johannes Schaub - litb
This is a frequent thing. I've helped tons of people with the c++ version of this problem discover cout.flush() or endl, also.
Greg D
Thank you, this completely solved the problem! Amazing!
+2  A: 

compiler can not reorder prints and sleeps, for they are "externally observable behavior" of the C abstract machine.

What you get is due to stdout buffering. You can use fflush or print to stderr, which is not buffered.


Just using \n or an endl at the end of the first printf should suffice

Aditya Sehgal