



I am processing a file full of unix time strings. I want to convert them all to human readable.

The file looks like so:


Here is the script:

#! /bin/bash
cat $FILE | while read line; do
perl -e 'print scalar(gmtime($line)), "\n"'

This is not working. The output I get is Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 for every line. I think the line breaks are being picked up and that is why it is not working. Any ideas? I'm using Mac OSX is that makes any difference.


No need for Perl:

awk '{ print strftime("%c", $0) }' somefile.txt
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
There's no need for awk either. The Perl solution and your awk solution are basically the same thing.
brian d foy
+9  A: 
$ perl -lne 'print scalar gmtime $_' test.txt
Wed Jul 19 18:56:41 2006
Fri Jul 21 02:23:06 2006
Fri Jul 21 10:12:09 2006
Fri Jul 21 15:05:10 2006
Sat Jul 22 21:27:42 2006
Sun Jul 23 07:36:51 2006
Greg Bacon
A few good answers. I had to give it to gbacon though. This one liner worked a treat. Thanks to all for the help. It would have been better if I didn't mix bash and perl.
@skymook Thanks! I'm glad it helped.
Greg Bacon
golfed: `perl -lpe '$_=gmtime$_' test.txt`
Eric Strom
+2  A: 

Because $line is in single quotes, it's not being processed by bash, and so $line is treated as an (undefined) Perl variable rather than a bash variable.

You don't need a while read bash loop; Perl can do the looping itself using its -n option.

perl -nE 'say scalar(gmtime($_))' test.txt

(using -E to enable say, which automatically appends a newline)

Josh Kelley
or `-lne` for pre-5.10 versions of Perl

The issue is that you haven't assigned anything to the $line variable, so it defaults to a zero-value, which is why you always get Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 as an output.

gbacon's answer is about as slick as it gets in Perl.

Thank you, Zaid!
Greg Bacon

GNU date/xargs solution:

  xargs -i  date -d "1970-01-01 00:00:00 {} seconds"  </tmp/timestamps 
Jürgen Hötzel
+1  A: 

Don't use cat.

#! /bin/bash
while read line
    date -d @$line
done < "$file"
Dennis Williamson
I have used to fighting `cat` as you but I ceases. I have found it very practical in command line work. `cat foo | grep bar | ...` seems better that `<foo grep bar | ...` and is more flexible than `grep bar foo | ...`
Hynek -Pichi- Vychodil
If you want to get a Useless Use of Cat award, you can't avoid cat.
brian d foy
@brian: I have a shelf full of them.
Dennis Williamson
+1  A: 

It's not the line breaks, it's that the $line inside the Perl script is a different variable than the $line in the bash script. You could try:

perl -e "print scalar(gmtime($line)),qq/\\n/"

Note the double-quotes, which allow bash to do variable interpolation.


This simple command will do

 cat time.txt | while read line; do date -ud @$line; done > string.txt