



I have an image gallery based on this jQuery plugin:

This works really well in Firefox, Chrome and even IE 7.0, but when I try it with more than 50 images in IE 8.0 the performance is incredible slow. Just hovering over the thumbnail brings the CPU load to 100%.

At first I thought it's a Javascript problem, so I used the IE profiler, but the results were normal. Next I checked the CSS and finally found the cause:

.sliderGallery UL LI { display: inline; }

This gets the thumbnails to align horizontally. If I chance it to display:block, performance is fine and the scroller is still working but obviously it looks funny, because the thumbs are aligned vertically.

My questions:

  1. Why does IE 8 have this problem with many display:inline elements
  2. What can I do to solve it

I'll gladly provide more information if necessary.

+1  A: 

You could try having:

display: inline-block;

instead of display: inline;

Lemmie know if this works.

Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately it doesn't work, the performance is still abysmal.