




Hey everyone,

I have searched the web trying to find some tutorials for the GO programming language that show how to program web apps, but I have not found anything.

I was just wondering if it is possible to write web apps with the GO programming language? And if so, is it a good language to write web apps with?

Thanks for any help! Metropolis

PERFECT! Thanks guys, both of your answers are exactly what I was looking for.

+2  A: 

Yes, there is a Writing Web Applications codelab on golang.org that goes over the details.

Justin Ethier
+3  A: 

For the server side, yes, it is a good language. For instance http://golang.org is a Go server.

Yann Ramin
+1  A: 

Also, check out the web.go framework

Great thanks marketer! Its so hard to find things for GO. You do a search for GO frameworks and what do you get? lol......Or GO turotials....I think Google needs to create a page with all GO resources in one place so that we can find these things.
There are quite a few resources linked from Go's Google Code wiki: http://code.google.com/p/go/wiki/WikiIndex?tm=6
Evan Shaw