




.NET 2.0 provides only the System.Net.Security.SslStream class for secure sockets in .NET 2.0 and higher, but this uses the Stream interface, which provides the blocking Read/Write members and asynchronous Begin{Read,Write} members.

I'm looking for a class that provides functionality similar to System.Net.Sockets.Socket. Specifically, something resembling Poll/Select, so I can handle multiple sockets in a single thread without blocking.

The mentalis security library supplies a SecureSocket class, but is explicitly unsupported for versions greater than .NET 1.1.


This answer to a related question suggests using a secure 3rd-party library on top of Socket.

Tim Trout
The features I require of the SecureBlackbox would cost me over 1000 EUR. Mentalis's library is open source, but does not support .NET 2.0 or higher.Do you know of any other libraries that provide this functionality?
If you only need SSL, the cost of the license starts from less than $200, which is far less, than 1000 EUR. Please contact EldoS for assistance in choosing the right license scheme.
Eugene Mayevski 'EldoS Corp