




You can save a SQL Server 2000 DTS package as a VB .BAS file. Is is possible to open a .BAS file in SQL Server Enterprise Manager (or some other way) to add the DTS package to the server? Initally, it appears that SQL Server only lets you import .DTS files.

+3  A: 

No, it is not possible to do this. Saving to a .BAS file is one-way only. You can, however, compile the file with VB6 and run it as an executable from another DTS package. You can also modify it, perhaps adding CL options to use it as a standalone program.

EDIT: Ben (below) has found a link on the MSDN web site describing this process. +1.

+4  A: 

Actually, it is possible although it's fiddly:

Running a DTS Package Saved as a Visual Basic File

+1 because it is an answer... Just not one I could use... :-( [Thanks]
Frank V