



So, I use jQuery quite extensively and I am well aware of the "right" way to do the below, but there are times where I want to solve it in a more generic way. I'll explain.

So, I may have a link, like this: <a href='menu' class='popup'>Show menu</a>. Now, I have a jQuery function that fires on click for all a.popup that takes the href-attribute and shows the <div id='menu'></div> item (in this case). It also handles URL's if it can't find a DOM item with that ID.

No problem here. But, there are times when I don't have the same control over the coe where I can create a selectable target that way. Either because the code isn't created by me or because it is created through a chain of function that would all need a huge ovrhaul which I won't do.

So, from time to time, I would like to have this code:

<a href="javascript:popup('menu')">Show menu</a>

This would be in a case where I can only submit the label and the HREF for a link. No class, no nothing.

Problem here is that the function popup() has no idea about what element invoked it, and in most cases that's not a problem for me, since I only need to know where the mouse cursor was upon invokation.

But in some cases, I use someone elses jQuery functions, like qTip or something else. so I still want to fire off qTip(); when clicking a link that runs this JS function, but what do I attach it to to make it show? I can't just runt $().qTip(); because that implies $(this) and "this" is undefined inside the function.

So how do I do it? Any ideas?

+1  A: 

Is there anyway you change the javascript method to javascript:popup('menu', this);? I've used this method successfully many times.

Jarrett Meyer
Yes, that would be possible, but when I tried it, the "this" never did seem to point to the A tag. I'll try it again and have a look.
@Sandman: again, see `this` is meaningless when used inside `href="javascript:..."`.
Crescent Fresh
Yes, that's what I said. I get an error even when using it as onclick=""... but that could be for some other reason. I know of the difference between onclick and javascript: and the system actually translates javascript: to onclick on the fly, so my examples would actually become onclicks :)
+1  A: 

Instead of referring to "this" try referring to $('a:focus') to refer to the link that was clicked.

Here's a quick and, as @Crescent Fresh would add, dirty (☺) sample:

<p><a href="javascript:popup('menu')">Show popup()</a></p>
<div id="menu" style="display:none">Today's menu</div>

<script type="text/javascript">
function popup(elm) {
    $('#' + elm).show();
    alert( $('a:focus').text() )

I tried just ":focus" but IE7 returned too much content. I tested this in FF 3.6.3, IE7, Chrome (all on Windows) and it seems OK, but I see now (when I was just about to hit "Post Your Answer") this relies on the browser's native support for querySelectorAll - see this jQuery Forum post ":focus selector filter?" and the jQuery.expr entry in the jQuery Source Viewer (where it appears Paul's idea was not implemented).

David Lantner
Interesting. It would probably mess upp bested links (which is invalid anyway) and wouldn't work if the onclick="" handler is added to anything but a link. It could be a fallbak if the popup() function fails to find a "this". Thanks!
+1  A: 

How about

<a href="javascript:popup(event, 'menu')">Show menu</a>

Once you get the event object you can virtually do anything to it.

Also a good way to go around it. Thanks!