My service uses a type Foo defined in another DLL, and my client also uses that DLL to get that type. Rather than generating a proxy class for that type, I'd like the proxy code to just refer to the real type. I can accomplish this manually by generating the proxy with WSDL.EXE on the running service, manually editing out the partial class Foo definition from it, and adding a Using statement. I'd like to do it without hand-editing if possible.
It seems like maybe the answer is to use SVCUTIL.EXE instead of WSDL.EXE. There are two intriguing options: /R and /ET. I tried putting /ET:Foo and /ET:My.FQN.Util.Foo, and /, and also adding the DLL filename to the option. But nothing changes in the ServiceWithFoos.cs proxy class that gets created. The partial class definition for Foo is still there.
Am I on the right track? What am I doing wrong?