Laying out the verticies in a DAG in a tree form (i.e. verticies with no in-edges on top, verticies dependent only on those on the next level, etc.) is rather simple without graph drawing algorithms such as Efficient Sugiyama. However, is there a simple algorithm to do this that minimizes edge crossing? (For some graphs, it may be impossible to completely eliminate edge crossing.) A picture says a thousand words, so is there an algorithm that would suggest something without crossing edges. (compared to this).
EDIT: The result
I've accepted Senthil's suggesting graphviz/dot -- a quick look at the docs confirms that it's very easy to use it as a library or external tool, and the output format is surprisingly easy to parse. However, I ended up choosing to use GraphSharp instead since I'm already using .NET, etc (though it's definitely not as powerful as dot). The result is "good enough", and could be made a lot better with a little edge routing and tweaking (the blurry text is because of 3.5 WPF).
Here's the complete C# code (this is all the code that references either QuickGraph or GraphSharp -- yeah; it was that easy):
internal static class LayoutManager
private const string ALGORITHM_NAME = "EfficientSugiyama";
private const bool MINIMIZE_EDGE_LENGTH = true;
private const double VERTEX_DISTANCE = 25;
private const double LAYER_DISTANCE = 25;
private const double MIN_CANVAS_OFFSET = 20;
public static void doLayout(GraphCanvas canvas)
// TODO use a background thread
// TODO add comments
canvas.IsEnabled = false;
canvas.Cursor = Cursors.Wait;
var graph = new BidirectionalGraph<GraphNode, LayoutEdge>();
var positions = new Dictionary<GraphNode, Point>();
var sizes = new Dictionary<GraphNode, Size>();
foreach(var node in canvas.nodes)
var size = node.RenderSize;
positions.Add(node, new Point(node.left + size.Width / 2, + size.Height / 2));
sizes.Add(node, size);
foreach(var edge in canvas.edges)
graph.AddEdge(new LayoutEdge(edge));
var context = new LayoutContext<GraphNode, LayoutEdge, BidirectionalGraph<GraphNode, LayoutEdge>>(graph, positions, sizes, LayoutMode.Simple);
var parameters = new EfficientSugiyamaLayoutParameters();
parameters.VertexDistance = VERTEX_DISTANCE;
parameters.MinimizeEdgeLength = MINIMIZE_EDGE_LENGTH;
parameters.LayerDistance = LAYER_DISTANCE;
var factory = new StandardLayoutAlgorithmFactory<GraphNode, LayoutEdge, BidirectionalGraph<GraphNode, LayoutEdge>>();
var algorithm = factory.CreateAlgorithm(ALGORITHM_NAME, context, parameters);
var minx = algorithm.VertexPositions.Select(kvp => kvp.Value.X - (kvp.Key.RenderSize.Width / 2)).Aggregate(Math.Min);
var miny = algorithm.VertexPositions.Select(kvp => kvp.Value.Y - (kvp.Key.RenderSize.Height / 2)).Aggregate(Math.Min);
minx = minx < 0 ? -minx : 0;
miny = miny < 0 ? -miny : 0;
foreach(var kvp in algorithm.VertexPositions)
var node = kvp.Key;
var pos = kvp.Value;
node.left = (pos.X - (node.RenderSize.Width / 2)) + minx; = (pos.Y - (node.RenderSize.Height / 2)) + miny;
canvas.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
canvas.IsEnabled = true;
private sealed class LayoutEdge : IEdge<GraphNode>
private readonly ConnectingEdge _edge;
public LayoutEdge(ConnectingEdge edge) { _edge = edge; }
public GraphNode Source { get { return _edge.output.node; } }
public GraphNode Target { get { return _edge.input.node; } }