



i want to replace ALL comma , into ,<space> in all address table in my mysql table.

For example,

| Name           | Address        |
| Someone name   | A1,Street Name |


| Name           | Address        |
| Someone name   | A1, Street Name|

Thanks in advance.

UPDATE tabl SET Address = REPLACE(Address, ',', ', ')

Back up your table before trying it out!

You can read more about replace function here:

Kamil Szot
that all i need. thank you.
@apis17, do realize that the above will make `A1,<space>Street Name` -> `A1,<space><space>Street Name` which might not be ideal (might then require you to scan for all the double spaces and replace them with single spaces)
@Unreason, It would be better to first replace commas with some strange marker (like @@#!@#$!) then replace all occurrences of marker plus space with comma and space, and then do the same with remaining markers.
Kamil Szot
@Kamil, any special value algorithm is evil :) I left it open for the OP to comment if it is even an issue (maybe there are no ,<space> in the addresses, or having ,<space><space> is not an issue). If it needs to be addressed I then one approach is similar to what you are suggesting, but does not use special/strange marker; instead it would `REPLACE(Address, ', ', ',')` first and after that `REPLACE(Address, ',', ', ')`. This would achieve the same in 2 queries, your suggestion would do it in 3. Your suggestion would update 2*n records (where n is the number of records with comma in them).
The shrink-expand approach would not need to update 2*n records, but only at most 2*n records. It would not solve the problem of ',<space><space>'. One more note - mysql checks if the new value is equal to old value in UPDATE and skips I/O if it is, but some DBMS don't and in those cases using WHERE conditions might help (in some cases for mysql it is faster too, depending on selectivity and indexes).
@Unreason - I like your shrink/expand approach very much. It's way better than my magic marker idea.
Kamil Szot
@Kamil, nevermind don't need double spaces problem here. if this happen i will do 2 query to complete task. if there are any simplest code, i want to bookmark here in case need further repair next time.@Unreason, marked 1 great comment for your post. :)