




I plan to appear for the 70-503 WCF exam. What preparation material will help me to clear exam?

If anyone has already appeared for the exam, any ideas how much perparation time is required for this?

(Note:- I have not used WCF in any live project, but have working knowledge of WCF)

Thanks for reading!!

+4  A: 

I have passed 70-503 8 months ago or so. You can see the self-paced training kit. Although it can be good for preparation to exam, I would also recommend you Programming WCF Services by Juval Löwy and Essential Windows Communication Foundation (WCF): For .NET Framework 3.5 by Steve Resnick. Those 2 are really great books. Also there must be webcasts on MSDN, they can be useful also.

Incignito-Thanks for the reply.
NP, you are welcome ;)

Im studying for this exam atm, using the Self Paced book and taking the content in MSDN, for supplementary reference (some topics aren't well covered). I'm searching the best way to learn, saving money!


I read and did all labs in Michele Bustamante's Learning WCF, and managed to pass with a score of just 786. For half the questions I knew the answer, for the other half I had to do more or less qualified guesses. I would highly recommend Programming WCF Services by Juwal Löwy to get a deeper and broader understanding (and better score).

Alf Kåre