hi.. i am new in C++, i'm using VC++ 2008, i have created a form with pictureBox inside with gui design, located in Form1.h.
for code stability, i'm trying to separate beetween gui and processing classes, so i made a new class in process.h which contain code to change image in the pictureBox, the problem is that i cant access pictureBox object from process.h because it's located in different class.
note : the classname of form is Form1 inside namespace try, the classname of process is processImage
i have tried to make a setter function named setImage() in class Form1 to set image path of imageBox obj, but i cant make object of Form1 to call that function because Form1 class is not known. for note i have tried to #include "Form1.h" but it still unknown.
is there any solution for my problem?
thanks for your help..