I've got a masterpage with some nice UI (jQuery) features. One of these options is interefering with my embedded YouTube (or other alike-) objects. On each, in this case, setInterval event the embedded video stops displaying new frames (for like a second).
More detail: I've got a "polaroid" gallery (in the header) with only 5 100x100 images in it (test: preloading has no effect on performance) and my gallery will show or hide them (fade-in / fade-out) after a period of time. (test: non-animated display:hide or display:block has no effect on performance).
After some testing and I've come to the conclusion that it isn't the "animated" showing or hiding of the pictures, but it's the interval itself (- since altering to display:hide or block had the same result). Perhaps it is my "gallery" "function" on itself ...
function poladroid() {
if (!galleryHasFocus) {
if (galleryMax >= 0) {
if (galleryCurrent > galleryMax) {
galleryCurrent = 0;
showPictures = !showPictures;
if (showPictures) {
$('#pic-' + galleryCurrent.toString()).show("slow");
else {
$('#pic-' + galleryCurrent.toString()).hide("slow");
if (!intervalSet) {
window.setInterval("poladroid()", 3000);
intervalSet = true;
It's not like my function is doing really awkward stuff is it? So, I was thinking I needed a more "loose" interval function.. but is there an option for it?
Ow.. almost forgot to mention it: FireFox and Chrome perform pretty good; using IE (what else) has the most performance problems.