



+3  Q: 

PHP PDO fetch null

How do you check if a columns value is null? Example code:

$db = DBCxn::getCxn();

$sql = "SELECT exercise_id, author_id, submission, result, submission_time, total_rating_votes, total_rating_values
FROM submissions 
LEFT OUTER JOIN submission_ratings ON submissions.exercise_id=submission_ratings.exercise_id
WHERE id=:id";

$st = $db->prepare($sql);

$st->bindParam(":id", $this->id, PDO::PARAM_INT);

$row = $st->fetch();

$this->total_rating_votes = $row['total_rating_votes'];

if($this->total_rating_votes == null) // this doesn't seem to work even though there is no record in submission_ratings????

if($row->column_name){ ...code...}

I would check it like this. Or with the function empty() .

EDIT: I think that the way you are doing you are not accesing well to the data and you are assigning an empty string to the $this->total_rating_votes, so that does not make it null. I guess the way you fetch the data does not convert $row into an array, being $row an object.

accessing the other values of $row however does work, e.g.$this->exercise_id = $row['exericse_id'];$this->author_id = $row['author_id'];$this->submisison = $row['submission'];$this->result = $row['result'];$this->submission_time = $row['submission_time'];all assign the correct values.
-1 for the `empty()` suggestion, `empty(0) === true`, `empty('0') === true`, `strlen()` is a better alternative.
Alix Axel
@Alix Axel, yes you are right, empty would not be the most suitable function here.

When you connect to the database, you can set some attributes to control how PDO handles Nulls and Empty Strings when they are returned by the database query

PDO::setAttribute (PDO::ATTR_ORACLE_NULLS, $option )

Where $option is one of the following:

  • PDO::NULL_NATURAL: No conversion.
  • PDO::NULL_EMPTY_STRING: Empty stringis converted to NULL.
  • PDO::NULL_TO_STRING: NULL is converted to an empty string.
Mark Baker
+1  A: 

Isnt it something like that that you want to do?

foreach($row as $r){

if($r->total_rating_votes == null){

  //do something


Actually you might want to try:

if($r->total_rating_votes == ""){/*do something*/}

Because php might have converted the null value into an empty string, and then it's not actually null, it's ""

Hope this helps!


Thanks for all of your answers. After a bit of experimentation this code solved my problem

$this->total_rating_votes = $row['total_rating_votes'];

if(!isset($this->total_rating_votes)) // this is now true if this record had a NULL value in the DB!!!