This is a c#/ project. The full error message I get is:Error 0194: All artifacts loaded into the item collection must have the same version. Multiple versions were encountered.
This project was started as a 3.5 and upgraded to 4.0. When I try to test any of the methods I get the error that I posted in the subject line. I am going to include the actual lines that it throws the exception on. If there is anything in people need to see to try to help let me know and I post it as well. Any help will be appreciated, I am having no luck with this.
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new SFBExternalPaymentsEntities object using the connection string found in the 'SFBExternalPaymentsEntities' section of the application configuration file.
/// </summary>
public SFBExternalPaymentsEntities() : base("name=SFBExternalPaymentsEntities", "SFBExternalPaymentsEntities")
this.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
/// <summary>
/// Initialize a new SFBExternalPaymentsEntities object.
/// </summary>
public SFBExternalPaymentsEntities(string connectionString) : base(connectionString, "SFBExternalPaymentsEntities")
this.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
/// <summary>
/// Initialize a new SFBExternalPaymentsEntities object.
/// </summary>
public SFBExternalPaymentsEntities(EntityConnection connection) : base(connection, "SFBExternalPaymentsEntities")
this.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
Added a method calling the constructor. public static CreditCardResponse AuthCapture(CreditCard newCC) { ACHResponse validateResponse = CreditCard.Validate(newCC); if (validateResponse.Status == "Accepted") { Profile currentProfile = new Profile(); currentProfile = ProfilesGateWay.GetByID(newCC.ProfileID); CreditCardTransaction newCCTransaction = CreateCreditCardTransaction(newCC, currentProfile); ServiceClient client = new ServiceClient(); CreditCardTransactionResponse cctResponse = client.CreditCardAuthorizeAndCapture(newCCTransaction); client.Close(); CreditCardResponse ccResponse = CreateCCResponse(cctResponse);
if (ccResponse.ResponseCode == 1)
int authAVS = ConvertAVStoInt(ccResponse.AVSResponse);
int appAVS = ConvertAVStoInt(newCC.AVLevel);
bool isAVSPass = CompareAVS(authAVS, appAVS);
if (isAVSPass == false)
ccResponse.ResponseCode = 0;
ccResponse.ResponseReasonCode = 99;
ccResponse.ResponseText = "Did not meet your AVS requirements";
return ccResponse;
int newCCID = CreateCreditCardRecord(newCC, currentProfile, cctResponse, "Captured", "Auth_Capture");
CreditCardRecord updateCC = CreditCardRecordsGateWay.GetByID(newCCID);
updateCC.CaptureOn = DateTime.Now;
return ccResponse;
return ccResponse;
CreditCardResponse newCCResponse = new CreditCardResponse();
newCCResponse.ResponseCode = 0;
newCCResponse.AchResponse = validateResponse;
return newCCResponse;
public static CreditCardResponse PriorAuthCapture(CreditCard newCC)
CreditCardRecord ccRecord = CreditCardRecordsGateWay.GetByCCGateWayID(newCC.CreditCardTransactionID);
ServiceClient client = new ServiceClient();
CreditCardTransaction ccTransaction = client.CreditCardGetTransactionById(ccRecord.CCGatewayID);
CreditCardTransactionResponse cctResponse = client.CreditCardPriorAuthorizationCapture(ccTransaction);
if (cctResponse.ResponseCode == 1)
ccRecord.Status = "Captured";
ccRecord.CaptureOn = DateTime.Now;
CreditCardResponse ccResponse = CreateCCResponse(cctResponse);
return ccResponse;
protected static int CreateCreditCardRecord(CreditCard newCC, Profile currentProfile, CreditCardTransactionResponse cctResponse, string status, string transactionType)
CreditCardRecord newCCRecord = new CreditCardRecord();
newCCRecord.Address = newCC.Address;
newCCRecord.AddressVerificationLevel = newCC.AVLevel;
newCCRecord.Amount = newCC.Amount;
newCCRecord.CardCode = newCC.CardCode;
newCCRecord.CardNumber = newCC.CardNumber;
newCCRecord.CCGatewayID = cctResponse.CreditCardTransactionID;
newCCRecord.City = newCC.City;
newCCRecord.CompanyName = newCC.CompanyName;
newCCRecord.CreateBy = currentProfile.ACHCompanyName;
newCCRecord.CreateOn = DateTime.Now;
newCCRecord.Description = newCC.Description;
newCCRecord.Expiration = newCC.Expiration;
newCCRecord.FirstName = newCC.FirstName;
newCCRecord.LastName = newCC.LastName;
newCCRecord.Profile.ProfileID = currentProfile.ProfileID;
newCCRecord.State = newCC.State;
newCCRecord.Status = status;
newCCRecord.TransactionType = transactionType;
newCCRecord.Zip = newCC.Zip;
return CreditCardRecordsGateWay.Insert(newCCRecord);