Hello, I have plug-in for VS 2008. I cannot seem to figure out how to remove it. It's liquid xml studio. The program it self cannot be uninstalled because it's not listed in the add/remove programs folder and the uninstall app is missing.
Right, however it's not listed there. If it's not there is there any other spot?
2010-05-18 18:15:22
@aron - if it's not listed in Add/Remove Programs, nost listed in the Start Menu and not showing in the Add-In Manager, what's making you think it's actually loaded?
2010-05-18 18:30:35
when VS 2008 loads it's listed on the splash page as one of the plugins/addinsAlso if I every try to open an .xsd file Liquid XML takes over and forces me to register itLiquid XML Schema Editor XPath Expression Builder XPath Expressions to be constructed and visualized
2010-05-18 18:32:40
@aron http://blogs.msdn.com/visualstudio/archive/2010/01/06/product-registration-for-the-about-box-in-visual-studio-2010-and-the-deprecation-of-ivsinstalledproduct-interface.aspx here is described how to get into that list. try reverse. you might need to edit registry.
2010-05-18 18:41:32
Ok here's what I did. I delete the folder from the c:\Program Files\
Then ran: Devenv /ResetSkipPkgs
2010-05-18 18:50:06