



There are multiple times in one page where I need to connect and subsequently query a MySQL database, yet my code won't let me. I think it might be something to do with how my files are nested but it makes no sense. I am opening the SQL connection in the header file. The top of the offending page looks like the following:

$page_title = 'Dashboard';
include('templates/'); // includes a 'require_once('mysqli_connect.php') and a small query to the database;
require_once('includes/dashboard_sql.php'); // Contains functions which connect to database (which are failing.)

I get the PHP error

Notice: Undefined variable: dbc in /Library/WebServer/Documents/pediatory_site/includes/dashboard_sql.php

Where $dbc is the database connection defined in mysqli_connect.php.

If anyone could help me out that would be great.

+1  A: 

It probably has to do with scope.

$dbc = 1;

function foo() {
   echo $dbc; // Undefined variable
   echo $GLOBALS['dbc']; // 1, like defined above
   $otherVar = 2;

echo $otherVar; // Undefined variable

If the $dbc variable is used multiple times, it's shorter to write:

function foo() {
   global $dbc;
   echo $dbc; // 1, like defined above
Bob Fanger
This has fixed it. Perfect, thank you!

I think when using the Require_Once method for creating a db connection the var gets cleared after the method closes the connection to the file. Try require or include for this kind of operations, and check if that works

$page_title = 'Dashboard';
include('templates/'); // includes a 'require_once('mysqli_connect.php') and a small query to the database;
include('includes/dashboard_sql.php'); // Contains functions which connect to database (which are failing.)

so, i changed the require_once into an include method in the code you posted, try and go to the templates/ and change the require_once method to a include and check if that helps.

it should. otherwise try creating the connection to the database in the same file, instead seperetated connections over separate files.

Looks like it's to do with scope, thanks anyway!