



It seems like it should be very simple to specify that the h:messages generated by JSF should be styled using jQueryUI's nice ui-states. But sadly I can't make it fit. It seems that the jQueryUI states require several elements (div,div,p,span) in order to make it work.

So taking inspiration directly from the jQueryUI theme demo page:

<!-- Highlight / Error --> 
            <h2 class="demoHeaders">Highlight / Error</h2> 
            <div class="ui-widget"> 
                <div class="ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all" style="margin-top: 20px; padding: 0 .7em;"> 
                    <p><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info" style="float: left; margin-right: .3em;"></span> 
                    <strong>Hey!</strong> Sample ui-state-highlight style.</p> 
            <div class="ui-widget"> 
                <div class="ui-state-error ui-corner-all" style="padding: 0 .7em;"> 
                    <p><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert" style="float: left; margin-right: .3em;"></span> 
                    <strong>Alert:</strong> Sample ui-state-error style.</p> 

and trying to jam the css class details into my h:message as best I can:

        <div class="ui-widget">
            <h:messages globalOnly="true" errorClass="ui-state-error ui-corner-all ui-icon-alert" infoClass="ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all ui-icon-info"/>

I don't get the icon or sufficient padding etc but the colours make it through. So, the styles are being applied but they aren't working as intended.

Any idea how I can make this work?


On that element, you need a class that gives display: block; to get the position characteristics you want, like this:

<div class="ui-widget">
  <h:messages globalOnly="true" errorClass="ui-state-error ui-corner-all ui-icon-alert block" infoClass="ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all ui-icon-info block"/>


.block { display: block; }

Also if you're interested, here's a listing of all the classes jQuery UI uses for CSS and what they mean.

Nick Craver
Thanks Nick. Unfortunately the block class didn't make any difference. The ultimate element that the h:message outputs is a <li>.
@Andrew - A `<li>` directly under a `<div>`?
Nick Craver
No, the h:messages creates a <ul> for it too. So this isn't too hard if I want to write my own css, which I will do I think, I just wanted to use jQueryUI out of the box if possible and wondered if others had achieve it somehow :-)