When I try to save text using FCKeditor, too many extra unwanted slashes gets added to the text saved in database. thanks in adveance for any solution,suggestion
do a phpinfo()
and see if magic quotes are enabled - thats what it sounds like. If they are enabled (shame on your host) then you can make a php.ini file in the directory and put in the lines:
; Magic quotes for incoming GET/POST/Cookie data.
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
and that should fix you right up. You may need to use a .htaccess file depending on your webhost setup, in which case you'd use the line:
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
2010-05-19 06:20:43
thanks for ur reply.. It gives me error 500 internal server error and web site doesnt load.. :(
Parag Redkar
2010-07-27 08:13:04
ok.. the only solution worked for me was, I have to request web hosting providers, to disable magic quotes.... and now it works all fine...Erik, the solutions provided by you were correct(on php.net found same solns ), but don't know some how it doesn't override the settings done by hosting providersThanks :)
Parag Redkar
2010-07-30 05:13:21
some hosts disable for .htacess and .ini files for "security" reasons, although there are ways to make a host safe without doing so. Glad you got it worked out.
2010-07-31 14:18:50
Parag Redkar
2010-08-27 07:16:36