



Is there a way to detect what event handlers are available natively for an HTML element?

For example:

isAvailable(img.onload) === true;    // All browsers
isAvailable(script.onload) === true; // Non-IE only (Webkit, Firefox, Opera)
isAvailable(link.onload) === true;   // IE (and I think Opera) only

Ideally I want to do feature detection in my script, where if onload is available for an element to use that, otherwise fallback. Currently I am having to do browser forks (based on IE) which is annoying as IE may start supporting script.onload, and Webkit/Firefox may start supporting link.onload.

Unfortunately assigning element.onload makes the event no longer 'undefined', regardless of whether it will eventually fire or not.



(Edit See below, this doesn't work.) You can check whether the element has an onload property:

var img = document.createElement('img');
alert("img onload? " + ('onload' in img));
var script = document.createElement('script');
alert("script onload? " + ('onload' in script));

On IE7, I get true for the img, and false for the script.

Edit This doesn't work for Firefox. Leaving this just so others don't go down the same path.

T.J. Crowder
Thanks, that is a novel test but as you say: no bananas!
@mummybot: Yeah, I was disapopinted. :-( There are lots of other things you can test in a similar way, but apparently not this. You can always feature-test by adding elements temporarily and seeing if they fire the event, but that may well be overkill.
T.J. Crowder
Also fraught because you would have to make the assumption that if the tested for element had not fired after an indeterminate period it therefore does not support onload. You wouldn't be able to check if a server went down or the internets were just going slow. Plus this would add in quite a delay... gah :(
@mummybot: I was thinking in terms of loading from a data URI (no 'net delay involved). Nearly all browsers support data URIs now. (
T.J. Crowder

I am not sure if this is what you were asking for, but this will let you know if you have a specific method or property available for a given object.

var apple = new Object;
    apple.load = function() { alert("I am a method.") };
    apple.color = "red"

function isAvailable(obj, mp) { 
    // obj = element to test for method or property. 
    // mp = name of method or property. 

    if (obj[mp]) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

if (isAvailable(apple, "color")) {
    alert("apple object has a 'color' property");

if (isAvailable(apple, "load")) {
    alert("apple object has a 'load' method");

Edit: Re-worked the answer to show an example.

@John Thanks John but no. I am specifically looking to detect if a DOM object has a particular method (load), not javascript objects in general. I am pretty sure that this is not possible.
I reworked my answer to show that it finds a method or property in an object, not if an object exists or not.

I've done something like this before; when writing stuff for phone gap on the iphone, depending if you run the app in the simulator or on different versions of the device, you often have different handlers for handling the click of input buttons (and most other things)- so at the top of my script i just do a quick check;

var m_clickEvent = ''; 

if ( $('input').click != 'undefined')
   m_clickEvent = 'click'
else if ( $('input').tap != 'tap')
   m_clickEvent = 'tap'
else if ( $('input').touchstart!= 'touchstart')
   m_clickEvent = 'touchstart'
   // some kind of error handling..

then i can go ahead and bind my event handler;

$('.myButton').bind(m_clickEvent, function(e) { ... });