




I am using LINQ-to-SQL for an application that queries a legacy database. I need to call a stored procedure, that selects a single integer value. Changing the stored procedure is not an option.

The designer creates a method with this signature:

private ISingleResult<sp_xal_seqnoResult> NextRowNumber([Parameter(DbType="Int")] System.Nullable<int> increment, [Parameter(DbType="Char(3)")] string dataset)

I would like the return type to be int. How do I do this using LINQ-to-SQL ?

+9  A: 

This would be trivial with a scalar function (UDF) rather than an SP. However, it should work easily enough - although if the SP is complex (i.e. FMT_ONLY can't inspect it 100%) then you might need to "help" it...

Here's some dbml that I generated from a simplfied SP that returns an integer; you can edit the dbml via "open with... xml editor):

<Function Name="dbo.foo" Method="foo">
    <Parameter Name="inc" Type="System.Int32" DbType="Int" />
    <Parameter Name="dataset" Type="System.String" DbType="VarChar(20)" />
    <Return Type="System.Int32" />

(note you obviously need to tweak the names and data-types).

And here is the generated C#:

public int foo([Parameter(DbType="Int")] System.Nullable<int> inc, [Parameter(DbType="VarChar(20)")] string dataset)
    IExecuteResult result = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this, ((MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())), inc, dataset);
    return ((int)(result.ReturnValue));

If your current SP uses SELECT (instead of RETURN), then the DBML will need to reflect this. You can fix this by hiding the implementation details, and providing a public wrapper in a partial class; for example:

<Function Name="dbo.foo" Method="FooPrivate" AccessModifier="Private">
    <Parameter Name="inc" Type="System.Int32" DbType="Int" />
    <Parameter Name="dataset" Type="System.String" DbType="VarChar(20)" />
    <ElementType Name="fooResult" AccessModifier="Internal">
      <Column Name="value" Type="System.Int32" DbType="Int NOT NULL" CanBeNull="false" />

The above describes an SP that returns a single table with a single column; but I've made the SP "private" to the data-context, and the result-type "internal" to the assembly (hiding it):

private ISingleResult<fooResult> FooPrivate(
    [Parameter(DbType="Int")] System.Nullable<int> inc,
    [Parameter(DbType="VarChar(20)")] string dataset)
    IExecuteResult result = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this, ((MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())), inc, dataset);
    return ((ISingleResult<fooResult>)(result.ReturnValue));

Now in my own class file I can add a new partial class (a new .cs file) in the correct namespace, that exposes the method more conveniently:

namespace MyNamespace {
    partial class MyDataContext
        public int Foo(int? inc, string dataSet)
            return FooPrivate(inc, dataSet).Single().value;

(the namespace and context names need to be the same as the actual data-context). This adds a public method that hides the grungy details from the caller.

Don't edit the designer.cs file directly; your changes will be lost. Only edit either the dbml or partial classes.

Marc Gravell
Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.
@driss - if you get issues with SELECT, let me know
Marc Gravell
I have used the same technique in my project earlier on. It works great.. Untill you edit your DBML in the editor somehow. All your changes will be overwritten.I used to keep a seperate xml file whenever I did manual alterations, but I hope there is a better way somehow.
@boris: which technique? Are you editing the .designer.cs? Don't do that... add methods to the partial class (I'll add an example)
Marc Gravell
The procedure uses SELECT. Your approach seemed to work at first, but I just discovered that the value field is always 0, no matter what the actual result is. Can this have to do with the column being selected not being named ? Can I specify in dbml, that value is the first column in the first row ?
@driis - 2 moments, I will investigate
Marc Gravell
@driis: it seems not; can you add a wrapped SP that calls the existing SP?
Marc Gravell
Unfortunately, I am not allowed to make any schema changes in the database.
@driis: In that case, maybe you need to just use SqlCommand...
Marc Gravell
I am going to use SqlCommand for this. It just seems odd that it is not supported in LINQ-to-SQL, I think it is a common pattern for stored procedures (at least in the databases I am working with). Thanks for answering, you provided valuable insight in the options one have when working with dbml.
@driis - yes, it is a shame - but I believe that the L2S team are trying to enforce *some* kind of contract (per-name) on grid outputs. This is also used with the mappings etc. It is odd that index-based mapping isn't offered, though.
Marc Gravell