


+1  Q: 

About Web.config

Do you have tutorial document for Web.config ? For 2008 version !

+1  A: 

Have a look here:

Kyle Rozendo
+1  A: 

There is a source like this:

Thanks. Let me check this.
Sreejesh Kumar
+1  A: 

Here's the MSDN documentation for Visual Studio 2008. It's not exactly a tutorial, but it's a pain to find these topics in search so it should come in handy.

Josh Einstein
I know. Even I also searched for this. Anyway let me check this.
Sreejesh Kumar
@John, the OP requested a specific version which was why I linked to the 3.5 specific page. Did the link have a problem? I know MSDN can be funky sometimes with the version selector.
Josh Einstein
no problem. its working
Sreejesh Kumar
@Josh: I like to see it explicitly called out when the link is for a specific version of the documentation. I've seen several issues where a link is posted to, say, the .NET 1.1 documentation, and a reader has been mislead to old documentation by following links. I've replaced your link, but explicitly stated the version.
John Saunders
With all due respect, I like it when people say please and thank you but I don't edit their responses to suit that preference, particularly without leaving a comment as to why.
Josh Einstein
+1  A: 

See ASP.NET Configuration.

John Saunders
Thanks. Let me check this.
Sreejesh Kumar