Is there a way within the Delphi to search within the dfm files for a string?
When I try the Search->Find in Files specifying .dfm it does not work. However, if I change all the extensions from dfm to txt and specify .txt as the extension it works.
Is there a way within the Delphi to search within the dfm files for a string?
When I try the Search->Find in Files specifying .dfm it does not work. However, if I change all the extensions from dfm to txt and specify .txt as the extension it works.
I'm using the GExperts grep and it works very well with dfm when you check "Search Form Files"
Update: why I prefer GExperts to D2010 "Find In Files"...
There is any easy way to work with DFM files.
Treat the resulting text file as source code, play with strings etc, then when you're done, right-click and select 'View as Form'.
Try it.
Ok... Not sure if you meant for a way to search from Delphi's IDE or from Windows. From Delphi's IDE, like François mentionned, GExpert's GREP search does the job. To allow Windows to read DFM/PAS files, you need to add a few registry key to allow it on Windows XP and later. Save the following content in a *.reg file and double-click on it to install in registry. (Note, that works in WinXP. I didn't try it in Win7/Vista)
Some of those keys might not be required... I just copied stuff from the [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.txt]
key. ^_^
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Content Type"="text/plain"
"Content Type"="text/plain"