hey guys
i record number of queries of my website and in page the below script runs , 40 extra queries added to page .
how can I change this sql connection into a propper and light one
function tree_set($index)
//global $menu; Remove this.
$q=mysql_query("select id,name,parent from cats where parent='$index'");
if(mysql_num_rows($q) === 0)
// User $tree instead of the $menu global as this way there shouldn't be any data duplication
$tree = $index > 0 ? '<ul>' : ''; // If we are on index 0 then we don't need the enclosing ul
$subFileCount=mysql_query("select id,name,parent from cats where parent='{$arr['id']}'");
if(mysql_num_rows($subFileCount) > 0)
$class = 'folder';
$class = 'file';
$tree .= '<li>';
$tree .= '<span class="'.$class.'">'.$arr['name'].'</span>';
$tree .=tree_set("".$arr['id']."");
$tree .= '</li>'."\n";
$tree .= $index > 0 ? '</ul>' : ''; // If we are on index 0 then we don't need the enclosing ul
return $tree;
//variable $menu must be defined before the function call
$menu = '....<ul id="browser" class="filetree">'."\n";
$menu .= tree_set(0);
$menu .= '</ul>';
echo $menu;
i heard , this can be done by changing it into an array , but i don't know how to do so
thanks in advance