




In my aspx page I have a HTML inputfile type which allows user to browse for a spreadsheet.Once the user choses the file to upload I want to read the content of the spreadsheet and store the content into mysql database table.

I am using the following code to read the content of the uploaded file and convert it into a datatable in order into insert it into database table.

if (filMyFile.PostedFile != null)
            // Get a reference to PostedFile object
            HttpPostedFile myFile = filMyFile.PostedFile;

            // Get size of uploaded file
            int nFileLen = myFile.ContentLength;

            // make sure the size of the file is > 0
            if (nFileLen > 0)
                // Allocate a buffer for reading of the file
                byte[] myData = new byte[nFileLen];

                // Read uploaded file from the Stream
                myFile.InputStream.Read(myData, 0, nFileLen);

                DataTable dt = new DataTable();

               MemoryStream st = new MemoryStream(myData);
               st.Position = 0;
               System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatter formatter = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();

But I am getting the following error when I am trying to deserialise the byte array into datatable.

Binary stream '0' does not contain a valid BinaryHeader. Possible causes are invalid stream or object version change between serialization and deserialization.

Could someone please tell me what am I doing wrong?

I've also tried converting the bytearray into string ,then converting the string back to byte array and convert into datatable.That is also throwing the same error.



What makes you think that you can deserialize a spreadsheet into a datatable? You can most definitely not! All you need to do is to save the byte[] (myData) to a VARBINARY column in an appropriate table in your mysql database.


You can do something along these lines:

Suppose you have a mysql table:

create table MyTable(
   SpreadSheet BLOB 

You could use the following code to insert the uploaded file into the table:

string strConn="PROVIDER=MySQLProv;SERVER=;DB= test;UID=test;PWD=;PORT=;";
OleDbConnection objConn;
objConn=new OleDbConnection (strConn);
string sql="INSERT INTO MyTable (SpreadSheet) VALUES(?)";
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(sql,objConn);
OleDbParameter param = new OleDbParameter ("@image",OleDbType.Binary );
param.Value = myData;
objConn.Close ();
actually I want to store the data from spreadsheet as it is(like rows and columns) in mysql I am trying to deserialize the byte array into datatable from which I will insert the data using mysql query.Is it not possible to convert the byte array (mydata) to a datatable?
@Kranthi. No, not at all. I don't think you completely understand what serialization/deserialization does. Try and read up on it: I said before, all you need to do is insert the bytes into the database. I will update my answer with an example.
Thank you so much for explaining with an example @klausbyskov.Actually my requirement is that I should allow a user to browse for a spreadsheet then read the content of the file and create a table in the database and insert all the data(rows and columns) that are present in the spreadsheet into the table.From your posts I think I am following the wrong approach to achieve my requirement.Please correct me.