



How to make inline png transparent inside div? using css

<div id="report'>
<p> some text </p>

<img src=transparent.png" />



this is image for example . Other than ball i want to make transparent other white area. Which is looking grey in IE6

alt text

I want to do in css like this div#report img {.....} is it possible?


I don't want to make whole image transparent


Here i added example


The opacity property applies to all elements (in supporting browsers).

David Dorward

I'm not sure I understand, but you can make an image completely transparent (i.e. invisible):

div#report img { visibility: hidden } // Still takes up space
div#report img { display: none } // Hidden entirely - 

it is not possible, however, to apply this only to png images, at least not in CSS 2.1. It's surely possible using some additional jQuery magic by using a selector that checks for .png in the src property.

+1  A: 

Try this:

div#report img{
    background-color/**/: #000000;
    background-image/**/: none;
    opacity: 0.7;
    filter: alpha(opacity=70);
Web Logic
+2  A: 

IE 6 does not support transparent png files per default. You need to use a small hack to achieve transparent png files.;x=12&amp;y=11

Holger Kretzschmar

You can't add support for PNG translucency to IE6 using CSS. There are hacks (some of which involve, IIRC, calling ActiveX stuff into a stylesheet) and Google will find lots for you.

(These days, however, I'd note that IE6 is just a few weeks away from End of Life, has a small marketshare among my target audience, and refuse to do extra work to persuade it to look nice)

David Dorward
I'm asking for inline image? I tried a lot on google but haven't found any good solution. i want to do like this `div#report img {.....}`

I had to deal with IE6 PNG problems before and this worked ..

what you do is add a "behavior" attribute to your

div#report img { behavior: url( } 

and you can download the file - here and check the online demonstration .. it explains everything step by step
