




I'm experitmenting with the Twitter API (OAuth). I have a test bed that can tweet from my dev box, but fails in production. I get a status code of 424 returned when trying to tweet.

I can't spot the difference between my live environment and my dev environment so really need to understand what a '424' is, but can find no documentation relating to it.


Wikipedia describes HTTP Response Code 424 as being a Failed Dependency. It's introduced by the WebDAV extensions to HTTP (see the WebDAV RFC). It means that the request you made failed as a result of a previous request failing.

As a high level example (although the actual response codes might be different), you might issue a request to get an OAuth ticket or token for your identity. If this fails and you then make a request using that token, then a 424 might be thrown.

Thanks, I still don't understand though.I'm using a single user, hard coded consumer key and secret and it works from my dev box but fails in production.
Actually, just looks like an issue with my authentication. Back to basics...
Nope, I'm doing it all right, but in the production environment all calls to Twitter give a 424. Looks like it might be a proxy issue..?

Turned out to be a quirk of classic ASP.

FAILS: Set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")

WORKS: Set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
