I have some xml encoded as UTF-8 and I want to write this to a Text field in SQL Server. UTF-8 is byte compatible with Text so it should be able to do this and then read out the xml later still encoded as utf-8.
However special characters such as ÄÅÖ, which are multi-byte in UTF-8 get changed on the way.
I have code like this:
byte[] myXML = ...
SqlCommand _MyCommand = new SqlCommand(storeProcedureName, pmiDB.GetADOConnection());
_MyCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
_MyCommand.Parameters.Add("xmlText", SqlDbType.Text);
_MyCommand.Parameters["xmlText"].Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(myXML);
My guess is that changing the xml byte array to string changes the special characters to UTF-16 characters which are then changed again to the Latin1. And Latin1 ÖÄÅ are not the same as UTF-8 ÖÄÅ.
How can I write the UTF-8 xml bytes to the Text field without them getting changed?