



I was tinkering with doing the setups with our unit test specifciations which go like

Specification for SUT when behaviour X happens in scenario Y Given that this thing And also this other thing When I do X... Then It should do ... And It should also do ...

I wrapped each of the steps of the GivenThat in Actions... any feed back whether separating with Actions is good / bad / or better way to make the GivenThat clear?

        /// <summary>
        /// Given a product is setup for injection
        ///     And Product Image Factory Is Stubbed();
        ///     And Product Size Is Stubbed();
        ///     And Drawing Scale Is Stubbed();
        ///     And Product Type Is Stubbed();
        /// </summary>
        protected override void GivenThat()

            Action givenThatAProductIsSetupforInjection = () =>
                  var randomGenerator = new RandomGenerator();

                  this.Position = randomGenerator.Generate<Point>();

                  this.Product = new Diffuser
                                         Size =
                                             new RectangularProductSize(
                                         Position = this.Position,
                                         ProductType =

            Action andProductImageFactoryIsStubbed = () => Dep<IProductBitmapImageFactory>().Stub(f => f.GetInstance(Dep<IProductType>())).Return(ExpectedBitmapImage);

            Action andProductSizeIsStubbed = () =>
                     Stub<IDisplacementProduct, IProductSize>(p => p.Size);

                     var productBounds = new ProductBounds(Width.Feet(), Height.Feet());

                     Dep<IProductSize>().Stub(s => s.Bounds).Return(productBounds);

            Action andDrawingScaleIsStubbed = () => Dep<IDrawingScale>().Stub(s => s.PixelsPerFoot).Return(PixelsPerFoot);

            Action andProductTypeIsStubbed = () => Stub<IDisplacementProduct, IProductType>(p => p.ProductType);

+2  A: 

Put them in separate methods so that you can compose them in other givens. Also, use underscores to replace spaces (instead of camel case). Also, create a method Given_that that takes params of Action delegates.

protected void Given_that(params Action[] preconditions)
    foreach (var action in preconditions)


protected void a_product_is_set_up_for_injection()

protected void product_image_factory_is_stubbed()




That being said, I think the naming of your preconditions are not BDD. They are very technical in nature and do not denote the business need. If you were to tell a non-programmer what you were testing, you would probably not say "the product is stubbed for injection." You would more likely say

Given a displacement product
    that is a two inch rectangular diffuser
    that has a random position
    that has a bitmap
    that has a size bounded by feet
    that has the expected pixels per foot

Now you can compose your "given" methods with little duplication:

protected [the type of your test class] Given(params Action given)
    return this;

protected void That(params Action[] preconditions)
    foreach (var precondition in preconditions)

Michael Meadows
Very awesome, I will use this. And thank you for the correction on naming conditions, makes sense that it should be written for the business need.
Sean B
+1  A: 

Composing your Givens, Whens and Thens in separate methods is a good idea and it's the way for instance SpecFlow ( does it. So if rather want some automation for creating that boring piece of repetetive plumbing, I would really recomend using a tool like SpecFlow. And as a bonus you get a nice reporting tool :)

An other option to make your code a bit more fluent, is to make a little BDD base class. Take a look at Jonas Follesoe's brilliant little BDD DSL up at GitHub:;

public abstract class BDD<T> where T : BDD<T>
    protected T Given { get { return (T)this; } }
    protected T And { get { return (T)this; } }
    protected T When { get { return (T)this; } }
    protected T Then { get { return (T)this; } }

And as Michael Meadows point out in his great answer; If you're going the BDD way of doing TDD (which you really should), keep focus on making your spesifications readable to business people. That means; stay away from technical wordings mock, inject, factory, exception, etc.

Kjetil Klaussen
Wicked! Thanks Kjetil, I will digest this too.
Sean B