i use the ThemeRoller from jquery UI, as follow :
HTML: <div id="switcher"></div>
jQuery: $('#switcher').themeswitcher({ .... });
How to apply a specified theme (for example : "Start") when i click on a input button ?
i use the ThemeRoller from jquery UI, as follow :
HTML: <div id="switcher"></div>
jQuery: $('#switcher').themeswitcher({ .... });
How to apply a specified theme (for example : "Start") when i click on a input button ?
Try the solution given here:
In fact, I did not find solution to my problem, although I took time to do it!
In other words here is my problem: i would like to offer the user only 3 themes for the UI, e.g. "Smoothness, Start and Flick". To change and choose the next theme, the user simply presses an "input button".
How to do it ?