As a follow up to my issue transforming large Xml files, I now need to validate the schema.
I was using this extension method, which can clearly be improved upon as it's not working correctly either
public static XElement ValidateXsd(this XElement source, string xsdPath)
var errors = new XElement("Errors");
// Reference:
var xsd = XDocument.Load(xsdPath);
var xml = XDocument.Load(source.CreateReader());
var schemas = new XmlSchemaSet();
schemas.Add("", xsd.CreateReader());
if (xml.Document != null)
// Validation Event/Error Handling
(sender, e) =>
var message = e.Message
"element is invalid - The value '' is invalid according to its datatype 'requiredString' - The actual length is less than the MinLength value.",
"cannot be blank.")
"is invalid according to its datatype 'size' - The Pattern constraint failed.",
"must be numeric.")
"element is invalid",
"is invalid.");
errors.Add(new XElement("Error", message));
// If there were errors return them, otherwise return null
return errors.Elements().Count() > 0 ? errors : null;