+2  A: 

When you wish to inhibit implied typecasts. For example:

3 == '3'

is true, whereas this is not:

3 === '3'

Douglas Crockford recommends always using strict comparison.

Delan Azabani
To be honest, I'm always a bit dubious when someone says "ALWAYS" do xxx. I can see situations where it is desiderable to compare a number to a string. Obviously you could manually cast the string to a number but if JS can do it for you why bother? :)
@nico, agree, there are cases where you simply don't need it, a common case is when you want to compare against `null` and `undefined` in one step, `if (foo == null)` does the job, or when using the `typeof` operator, you also don't need it because it will *always* return a string... `if (typeof foo == "undefined")` is enough...
+8  A: 

It is strict type equality operator. It not only checks whether two are equal in value but also of the same type.

Consider a situation when you compare numbers or strings:

if (4 === 4) // same value and type
  // true


if (4 == "4") // same value and different type but == used
  // true


if (4 === "4") // same value but different type
  // false

This applies to objects as well as arrays.

So in above cases, you have to make sensible choice whether to use == or ===

It is good idea to use === when you are sure about the type as well

thanks for fast and thorough answer- will set as answer after the 15 minutes have passed
@ptrn: You are welcome :)
+1  A: 

You use it to check if a variable's containing value and type is same as the compared one.

Abdel Olakara