




I had inserted two jQuery tabs on my site. One div container had the id - tabs and another had the id tabs-for-views.

Both of them were working fine till sometime ago, until i made some changes. I don't remember what the exact changes were..

Right now, the first tab uses the jQuery UI theme I am using. As in, I can see the tab navigation and content panels - but on clicking the tabs nothing happens. But the second (tabs-for-views) is not even converted to proper tabs format.

I am using the Drupal CMS for this site.

the tabs can be found on this page:

this is the jquery ui css file i am using: (insert first link)sites/default/themes/whack_custom/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.css

+2  A: 

jQuery UI 1.7.2 requires jQuery 1.3.2. You're using jQuery 1.2.6 on your Drupal website.

You can either update the jQuery by using the jQuery Update module 6.x-2.0 or downgrade your jQuery UI to 1.6. :)

Also, just about your upgrade from 1.7.2 to 1.7.3. The update is just for compatibility fixes for jQuery 1.4, so it's unnecessary for you to do the upgrade since you're not using jQuery 1.4.

as a matter of fact I am using the jquery update module (version: 6.x-2.x - as seen on the module list page). So i doubt thats causing the problem.
Nope. Running $.fn.jquery on Firebug, I can see you're using 1.2.6. Also, looking at [this file](
hmm. I see your point. But I do have the jQuery update module enabled. Doesn't it automatically replace the jquery.js file in the misc folder with 1.3.2?
the upgrade to 1.7.3 was not a conscious decision. I just decided to grab a new jui file because of my problem. it turned out to .3 instead of .2
If the module is enabled, you should see that it includes the file from `/sites/all/modules/jquery_update/replace/jquery.min.js` instead of `/misc/jquery.js`. I think you might have a module conflict of some sort. Try disabling and re-enabling the module?
tried the re-enabling path. at least three times. won't work. and it's still using the original jquery.will it cause any problems if i just repalce /misc/jquery.js with the file in jquery update's replace folder?
yes. thats it. i replaced /misc/jquery.js with jquery.min.js (1.3.2) and renamed it to jquery.js. Problem solved!
Haha, that's rather hacky. There might be problems with that. Maybe you should check the issue queue for the jquery_update module? Just in case you run into problems. I couldn't find anything though.
Ya, i thought so too. Earlier I was reluctant to go that way. But then, I decided, what the heck, let's try. Anyways, I copied the other files in the replace folder too. So i suppose there shouldn't be any problems. Cos that's what it basically does anyways. Or atleast should.Thanks a lot for your help!
apparently, the main problem was being caused by the lightbox2 module.