Hey guys,
Here is what I am currently using to attempt to validate a form. When I press submit with no values entered into the form, I get the error messages for each of the inputs as expected. However, no matter what I put in newpassword2 or newemail2 they never 'pass' validation. I've tried everything from copy and paste to making them one letter each to no success. Perhaps I am not using the equalTo attribute correctly...
I've also verified that all the names of the selectors agree with the input id's on the form. Also, all of the inputs are contained within the form, so there aren't any outside of the form tags (I read that was an issue with someone else).
$(document).ready(function() {
rules: {
newpassword1: { required: true },
newpassword2: { equalTo: "#newpassword1" },
newemail1: { required: true, email: true },
newemail2: { equalTo: "#newemail1" }
Any help would be extremely appreciated!