



I need to display upcoming events from a database. The problem is when I use the query I'm currently using any events with a start day that has passed will show up lower on the list of upcoming events regardless of the fact that they are current

My table (yaml):

      type: string(255)
      notnull: true
      default: Untitled Event
      type: time
      type: time
      type: date
      notnull: true
      type: date
      type: string(500)
      default: This event has no description
    category_id: integer

My query (doctrine):

    $results = Doctrine_Query::create()
        ->from("sfEventItem e, e.Category c")
        ->select("e.title, e.start_day, e.description, e.category_id, e.slug")
        ->addSelect("c.title, c.slug")
        ->orderBy("e.start_day, e.start_time, e.title")
        ->execute(array(), Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_ARRAY);

Basically I'd like any events that is currently going on (so if today is in between start_day and end_day) to be at the top of the list. How would I go about doing this if it's even possible? Raw sql queries are good answers too because they're pretty easy to turn into DQL.

SOLUTION Based on one of the below answers:

    $results = Doctrine_Query::create()
        ->from("sfEventItem e, e.Category c")
        ->select("e.title, e.start_day, e.description, e.category_id, e.slug")
        ->addSelect("c.title, c.slug")
        ->addSelect("IF(NOW() BETWEEN e.start_day AND e.end_day,0,1) as score")
        ->orderBy("score, e.start_day, e.start_time, e.title")
        ->execute(array(), Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
+3  A: 

This should do:

->orderBy("IF(NOW() BETWEEN e.start_day AND e.end_day,0,1) , e.start_day, e.start_time, e.title")
That's pretty neat and it worked with a little modification (for some reason doctrine stopped selecting any records when it was in orderBy)
Chris T
+2  A: 

You can use case.

Add a case when current date is between start and end date, with score 1. All the others with score 0

And then order by score.

Thanks I didn't know MySQL had that. Unfortunantly Doctrine doesn't support that (the price we pay for convenience..) +1 from me though
Chris T