




I am trying to modify a textBox found in the server Form using remoting from the client side. i have tried some solutions i found, but none of them work. the remoting part works propperly, the only thing that I am not able to figure out is this:

this is what i have: client side:

private void btn_b1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
myFunc.update(string s);


public interface myInterf
void update(string s);


server side:

here i have 2 classes in the same namespace

class class1 : MarshalByRefObject, myInterf
public void update(string s)
//what do i write here to modify textBox1?
public partial class class2 : Form
// here is the textBox i am trying to alter;
+1  A: 

Your problem seems to be to find the instance of the Form class. If this is WinForms, you can use

var myForm = Application.OpenForms["formName"];

where formName is the the value of the Name property of the Form.

But please note:

  • It is kind of strange to have a TextBox (or any UI) on a server, let alone to want to modify it from a client.
  • remoting is an older (deprecated) technology. Make sure you know about WCF.
Henk Holterman