I don't know if there are many more established "best practises" than the ones you have already stated in your question to which you would like to conform.
Lately i've adopted a Html Helper approach to common js/jQuery blocks that i need for certain complex "controls" that need a lot of ajax and UI js assistance. In my most recent case i had two of these "controls" and each one required 3 script blocks.
I how have this helper arrangement where i can use syntax like this:
<%-- // jQuery for Patron --%>
<% =Html.MattyJq().DivListItemSingleSelector("selectPatronItem", "div#matchingPatrons",
"patronsPrevSelectedID","PatronID") %>
<% =Html.MattyJq().EmptyTextInputHelper("patronSearch", "patronsFilterSendEmpty") %>
<% =Html.MattyJq().TextChangeDynamicUpdaterSelect("patronSearch","div#matchingPatrons",
"patronsPrevSelectedID","selectPatronItem") %>
I have this "Template" folder in my MVC "/Scripts" folder where i place the script blocks and then mark all the "variables" with an escape sequence such that i can swap/regex in my variables that i had passed into the helpers (above) as params.
This way i can reuse the templates and my views are much lighter/cleaner. You'll notice common params in the helpers there - that's when, for example, i have js function names or var
s that are common to more than one script block. It's a sortof way of "linking" the isolated script blocks together.
Lastly i have a common section for the helpers which enables me to "go over" the resulting js/jQuery with a parser if i choose - in my case i use the .NET YUI Compressor to minify the js in Release builds - i'm sure you could add some logic here to ensure that all the script was at the bottom of the page if you liked.