I have created a Bibliography section in my document written in lyx. It uses a book layout.
For some reason it did start over again when I added some more entries. The new entries was made some time later than the first ones. I just went down to key-27 and hit enter. Then it started on key-1 again.
Does anyone know why it behaves like this?
EDIT: If I save the document and exit. The next time I open it, LYX starts the numbering at key-1 again even if it already exist. If I manually change one key to an existing one, I get a message saying it already exist.
The lyx code is below.
\bibitem{key-6}Lego mindstorms, http://mindstorms.lego.com/en-us/default.aspx
\bibitem{key-7}C.A.R. Hoare. Communicating sequential processes. Communications of the ACM, 21(8):666-677, pages 666\textendash{}677,
August 1978.
\bibitem{key-8}C.A.R. Hoare. Communicating sequential processes. Prentice-Hall, 1985.
\bibitem{key-9}CSPBuilder, http://code.google.com/p/cspbuilder/
\bibitem{key-10}Rune Møllegård Friborg and Brian Vinter. CSPBuilder - CSP baset Scientific Workflow Modelling, 2008.
\bibitem{key-11}Labview, http://www.ni.com/labview
\bibitem{key-12}Robolab, http://www.lego.com/eng/education/mindstorms/home.asp?pagename=robolab
\bibitem{key-14}Paparazzi, http://paparazzi.enac.fr
\bibitem{key-15}Debian, http://www.debian.org
\bibitem{key-16}Ubuntu, http://www.ubuntu.com
\bibitem{key-17}GNU, http://www.gnu.org
\bibitem{key-18}IVY, http://www2.tls.cena.fr/products/ivy/
\bibitem{key-19}Tkinter, http://wiki.python.org/moin/TkInter
\bibitem{key-20}pyGKT, http://www.pygtk.org/
\bibitem{key-21}pyQT4, http://wiki.python.org/moin/PyQt4
\bibitem{key-22}wxWidgets, http://www.wxwidgets.org/
\bibitem{key-23}wxPython GUI toolkit, http://www.wxPython.org
\bibitem{key-24}Python programming language, http://www.python.org
\bibitem{key-25}wxGlade, http://wxglade.sourceforge.net/
\bibitem{key-1}IVY software bus, http://www2.tls.cena.fr/products/ivy/