I have a page which displays ~300 pages worth of tabular data. Firefox, Chrome, Safari all work fine but IE 7, 8, and 8 Compatibility view all wretch. It lags for several seconds when I try to scroll or press the page up/page down button.
Pagination, smaller data sets, and other usability suggestions will not work for this page. Assume I absolutely have no choice but to display all this data at once... what are some things I can do to tweak it?
The data is being loaded via jQuery/Ajax and that seems to be at least in part suspect here, because when I created a test page to render the results directly it isn't quite as slow, but still not nearly as snappy as other browsers.
I've successfully used jQuery plugins such as SlickGrid to tackle similar problems in the past, but for reasons that would take a long time to explain they are not an option, even with the micro template rendering capabilities. I'm mainly concerned with what tweaks I can make to improve performance without reworking the entire page or introducing third party solutions.
Is a simplified DOM going to make a big difference? Or does IE not handle data brought in via JavaScript/Ajax well?